Posts by Inessa Stewart

Antique Transferware for Every Color Scheme

Antique Letter EngravingI just love antique transferware.  It’s a style of ceramics that comes in a variety of styles and colors.  To make these beautiful pieces, a copper plate is created with a pattern that is then printed onto tissue paper.  The print is then transferred onto the ceramic piece, hence the name.  Do you have a particular favorite color or do you like to mix and match?

Antique Transferware China and Ceramics Bath SetAntique Transferware China and Ceramics

Antique Transferware China and Ceramics Pitcher

Antique Transferware China and Ceramics Bath Set

Antique Transferware China and Ceramics Plate Set

Antique Transferware China and Ceramics Pitcher

Antique Transferware China and Ceramics Plate

I hope you enjoy the selection of antique transferware above.  Please stop by to view even more!

Inessa Stewart's Antique & Interiors

Antique Flourish

Antiques in Style: The Enchantment of the Country French Interior

Antique Letter EngravingLong ago, on a trip to the South of France in search of Country French antiques, I was introduced to a talented young lady named Brigitte.  She spoke English well, which was a rarity in those days.  She generously invited me to her family’s coutnry home, and her graciousness had an enormous influence on me.  This was well over two decades ago, and at the time I was somewhat new to the Provençal French experience.  So naturally I jumped at the chance…read more at Beverly Drive Magazine.

Antiques in Style: Antique Accessories Country French StyleAntiques in Style: Antique Accessories Country French Style

Antique Accessories Country French StyleCountry French Antique Furniture and Culinary AntiquesCountry French and Culinary Antiques

Happy reading!

Inessa Stewart's Antiques & Interiors

Christmas in July Giveaway!

Antique Letter EngravingWith all new and exciting shipments of antique furniture and accessories we have received from France and Italy, it feels like Christmas!  To share the joy this month, we are having a Christmas in July sale. To add even more to the celebration, why not do a fantastic giveaway?  We are just delighted for you to join us in this great occasion in our stores or online. While you enjoy the antique splendor, enter this contest as our gift.

Antique Dutch Framed Needlepoint Sampler Giveaway

This colorful sampler, initialled "C.P." was a commemorative sampler for a family heirloom collection, and dates to over 108 years of age! Using cross stitch and a little needlepoint, the family homestead and ancestral landmark were combined with the family's favorite bird and flowers to create a lively keepsake to pass down the generations. Such works were used in the education process to pass the skill down to the next generation, and many times included lessons in mathematics and spelling as well. Dated 1902. Measures 26.5 x 24.5 x 1. Retail value $600

The lucky winner of this giveaway will receive this lovely antique sampler.

Antique Dutch Framed Needlepoint SamplerAntique Dutch Framed Needlepoint SamplerAntique Dutch Framed Needlepoint SamplerAntique Dutch Framed Needlepoint Sampler

To enter: Visit one of our stores, comment on this blog, or comment on Facebook and tell us what is your favorite antique item on our website. OR do all three for a triple entry!

Have Fun and Good Luck!

Inessa Stewart Signature

Contest ends one week from this posting and is only open to those in the continental United States at this time. Winner will be drawn at random and contacted via email, Facebook message, or phone.



 Inessa Stewart

Antiques in Style is a source of joy for me to create, and hopefully will be a source of inspiration for you! The variety, artistry and history of the antiques and vintage pieces that surround us every day provide pleasure, beauty and sometimes even intrigue.

The classics never go out of style, and each era, country, and even artisan's interpretations create an environment that is always full of surprises.

It is truly a pleasure to bring such timeless style together for every client and follower of my blog. And of course, your input is always welcome!

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